Once significant characteristic of the MIM is that the MIM parts have an extremely high relative density of over 99%, eliminating the occurrence of pinholes in them after lapping, and hence making them available for polishing and even electroplating, both of which are not possible with parts made from powder steel, which can only make parts with a relative density of 85% to 90%.
The high relative density, in addition, gives the MIM parts so high mechanical properties that are comparable with those of the parts made form sheet metal materials, say, stainless steel sheets. In terms of chemical properties, the MIM parts produced by Lap Keung have passed the artificial sweat and salty mist tests of the Hong Kong Productivity Council.



Coming to the costs of the MIM, one of the greatest concerns of manufacturers, Mr Luk admitted the MIM materials are 6 to 8 times more expensive than sheet metal materials, the mould cast as high as that of PIM, and the loss rate also significant due to the high deformation rate in the sintering process. However, would the MIM costs be higher than the costs of using traditional methods ?
" Whether the MIM is expensive depends on its applications," Mr Luk said. "let's think about the costs involved in using stamping to make a metal case with numerous diamond holders. And, is the MIM expensive if it can realize an intricate design which cannot be made by using traditional methods at a reasonable level ? Please remember, the intricate designs are usually high-value-adding."

Source : Watch & Clock Parts January 2002

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